1. Installation

In this first section of the documentation we'll be going over installing the theme on WordPress, installing required and recommended plugins and importing the demo content ( which is optional ).


You probably have the theme activated already so if you do you can skip to the next part ( Plugins ). If not, here's the step by step process on activating the theme.

  • Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel
  • Go to AppearanceThemes
  • Click Add New ( you'll see it at the top, on the right side of the page title )
  • Click Upload Theme
  • In the search box type in  "The One" ( without quotes )
  • Hover over the theme in the listing and click Install Now
  • After WordPress finishes installing click Activate


After you active the theme you will be taken to the "Welcome page". At the very top you will be prompted to install some required and recommended plugins the theme uses, as seen in the screenshot below.

Click the "Begin installing plugins" button and you'll be taken to a new page where you can install and activate them.

These are the plugins this theme uses:

The One Features - This plugin adds custom widgets and other custom functionality the theme uses.

Optin Forms - Used for the newsletter subscription form in the footer. Optin Forms allows you to create stunning optin forms for your blog or website, without the need to know any HTML or CSS. Simply select your email solution, pick a form design and customize its appearance. More info at the plugin page on WordPress

Contact Form 7 - Used for the contact area on the homepage. It's the most popular WordPress plugin for contact forms. Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on. More info at the plugin page on WordPress

Demo Content ( one click importer )

Once you activate the plugins you'll see a "Return to the Theme Welcome page" link, click it. By the way, you can always access that page at WP admin > Appearance > Theme Welcome.

You will see the importer section at the top, in the same row where the plugins section is. 

Simply hit the OK, Import Demo Content button and it will start importing step by step. Once done you'll see the text "All Finished".

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