3. Homepage

If you ran the importer then skip to the " Manage Content" section, if not here's how to manually set it up.

Setting A Custom Page as Homepage

First we need to create a new page that will serve as the homepage.

  • Go to WP admin → Pages Add New
  • Type in the title you want
  • Set the page template to be "Home" ( screenshot below )
  • Publish the page

  • Go to WP admin → Settings → Reading
  • For Front page displays choose A static page
  • In the Front page dropdown choose the page you just created
  • Save changes

That's it, you've set a custom page to be the front page ( homepage ). Now let's populate it with content.

Manage Content

The content management for the homepage is handled in the WordPress Customizer. You can access it by going to WP admin Appearance Customize. When there you will see the Home section in the list, click it.

You will then be shown another list with an item for each of the homepage sections.

Clicking on any of them shows the options for that section. 

If you wish to disable any of the sections you can do so, every section has the checkbox called "Enable section", just uncheck it and the section will be disabled.

Some of the sections use custom widgets ( from "The One Features" plugin ), that's where you can for example add your services for the services section.

Those are managed in WP admin > Appearance > Customize > Widgets.

Here is a list of all those sections and which widget you should use in them:

  • Section: Features - Widget: TheOne Feature
  • Section: About - Widget: TheOne About
  • Section: Services - Widget: TheOne Service
  • Section: Process - Widget: TheOne Process
  • Section: Testimonial - Widget: TheOne Testimonial
  • Section: Clients - Widget: Image
  • Section: Team - Widget: TheOne Team Member
  • Section: Contact - Widget: TheOne Contact Info

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