09. Contact Page

For the contact form on the contact page we will be using the Contact Form 7 plugin. It is the most popular contact form plugin for WordPress and it's highly unlikely that you haven't used it before.

Go to WP AdminContact and click to edit the default contact form. As the form content set this:

<p>[text* your-name placeholder "Your Name"]</p>
<p>[email* your-email placeholder "Your Email"]</p>
<p>[text your-subject placeholder "Subject"]</p>
<p>[textarea your-message placeholder "Message"]</p>
[submit "Send Message"]

As shown in the screenshot below.

The shortcode you can see there will be used in the content of the contact form page that we're about to create.

Go to WP adminPagesAdd New. Add a page title ( can be anything ), add the shortcode as the content of the page and set the Template to Contact. Once you set the template the Contact Options will show up, as in the screenshot below.

Change those options values to the actual phone/email/address you need. For the Google Maps embed code you need to go to the Google Maps website.

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