3. Sidebars & Widgets

There are 4 sidebar/widget locations in this theme. You can add widgets to those locations in WP adminAppearanceWidgets. The names of the locations are pretty much self explanatory:

  • Sidebar
  • Footer Column 1
  • Footer Column 2
  • Footer Column 3

Like with the navigation menus, adding widgets to sidebars is also general WordPress usage, and if you've used WordPress before you won't have any troubles here. But in case you haven't used it before, here's some resources to help out:

The theme comes with several widgets custom made for the theme. You can recognize them by their names, they start with MeridianThemes. Below you can see some examples of how those widgets look like and what options do they have.

MeridianThemes - About Author

MeridianThemes - Subscribe

MeridianThemes - Social

MeridianThemes - Posts List

MeridianThemes - Posts List Alternate

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