3, Homepage

By default the homepage is a regular blog post listing. You need to add a regular page as the front page:

  • Go to WP Admin > Pages > Add New
  • Set the "Page Template" ( bottom of right sidebar ) to Homepage and publish
  • Go to WP Admin > Settings > Reading
  • For "Front Page Displays" choose "A static page"
  • For "Front Page" ( the select filed ) choose the page you just created

After that go back to edit the page.


In the main area ( where the text editor is located ) at the bottom you'll see a section called "Slider Options". That is where you can add slides for the homepage slider.


In the same area as the slider you will see a section called "Page Options". In there are the Sections, that's where you add the content for the homepage. The sections are also available for regular pages, not just homepage.

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